Anti-aging health check-up

Are you experiencing any of these problems?

  • Feeling unwell but no diagnosed illness
  • Having various symptoms such as swelling, redness, itching, and peeling skin, but blood tests are normal
  • Chronic rashes, chronic acne
  • Low mood, lethargy, lack of interest in activities
  • Mood swings, easy irritability, easy agitation
  • Easy weight gain, difficult weight loss
  • Difficulty sleeping, intermittent sleep, daytime sleepiness, afternoon fatigue
  • Worries about various illnesses such as kidney disease, liver disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
  • Chronic stress
  • Migraines or symptoms of serotonin syndrome
  • Chronic pain and fatigue

What level of health do you want?

What level of health do you want?

Having good health is important for living a happy life. People pay attention to health care differently. Some take care of their health because they are sick and want to recover from illness. Some take care of their health because they don’t want to get sick, don’t want to take medicine, and want their bodies to be very strong.

What is Anti-aging Medical Check-up?

An anti-aging medical check-up helps us understand our own physical health, whether our bodies are balanced, if there are any health problems, and it serves as a preventative measure to identify risk factors before serious illnesses occur. It also identifies risks of hereditary diseases in the future and seeks solutions to prevent and address health issues, aiming for good health without relying heavily on medication.

Who should undergo health check-ups?

– People with high abdominal fat accumulation

– People with slightly high blood sugar levels

– People with slightly high blood pressure

– People with slightly high blood cholesterol levels

– People with high uric acid levels and fatty liver

– People concerned about their health

– People aiming for constant good health

– People with accumulated stress

– Alcohol drinkers, smokers

– People experiencing chronic fatigue and occasional low-grade fevers

Benefits of Anti-aging Medical Check-up:

  • Can detect diseases that may not show symptoms in the early stages.
  • Identifies risk factors that may lead to future diseases or genetic predispositions.
  • Helps delay the onset of future diseases.
  • Provides advice on lifestyle and dietary adjustments for proper nutrition.
  • Helps prepare for future treatment plans to reduce reliance on medication.
  • Ensures proper intake of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Provides recommendations for detoxification if there are toxins accumulation in the body.

5 Steps in Health Check-up

1. Before receiving the service, it is recommended to fast for 8-10 hours, refraining from food and beverages.

2. Upon arrival, the patient’s personal history is taken (medical history, occupation, medication use, smoking habits, exercise routines, water intake, past illnesses).

3. Family medical history is also collected (illnesses within the family).

4. Physical examination is conducted (weight, height, blood pressure).

5. Laboratory tests and deep analysis (blood draw, urine sample collection).

Comprehensive Blood Test is a medical procedure used to analyze various substances in the blood to assess an individual’s health. It can help detect diseases or abnormalities in the body and assess various risk factors. The test can be divided into the following risk groups:

1. Blood test result that indicate the general functioning of the body (Basic Check-up)

How can you be sure that you are in good health? Basic health check-up programs can tell you.

2. Hormone Level Check / Deep Hormone Analysis Finding the Root Cause of Symptoms

  • Fatigue, mood swings, easy irritability, swelling, dry skin, easy weight gain and difficult weight loss
  • Chronic acne, exercising without muscle gain, chronic pain. If you have these symptoms, it’s possible that your hormone levels are imbalanced.

3. Screening for the risk of cardiovascular diseases, CADs or Coronary Artery Disease / Coronary Heart Disease

Data from the World Health Organization reveals that approximately 7.2 million people die from heart and blood vessel diseases, accounting for 12.2% of all deaths. In Thailand, there are around 37,000 deaths per year, equivalent to approximately 2 deaths per hour. Are you at risk?

4. Screening for Cancer Biomarkers

Don’t wait for symptoms; early detection leads to better treatment. Cancer is silently claiming lives and is one of the leading causes of death in Thailand. Therefore, early detection of abnormalities is crucial to reduce the risk of developing tumors or hidden cancers within your body.

5. Screening for Heavy Metal Accumulation in the Body

Various signs indicate that the body has accumulated toxins. Some individuals may not exhibit symptoms. Don’t allow toxins to accumulate in the body until chronic symptoms occur, such as headaches, nausea, and even carcinogenic substances.

6. Screening for Liver Abnormalities

“Heavy drinking, lack of exercise, and excessive grilling.”

Don’t overlook liver health issues. If you experience fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, or discomfort, particularly in the right upper quadrant where the liver is located, and key symptoms such as jaundice, yellowing of the eyes, dark urine, along with fatty liver, a condition where the body cannot utilize ingested fat properly, leading to triglyceride accumulation in liver cells. If left untreated, it can lead to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, affecting individuals of all ages and genders.

7. Testing for Cellular Age

Who should measure NK (Natural Killer) Cell levels?

  • People who frequently get infections or feel unwell.
  • Those who are regularly exposed to toxins or environmental pollutants for extended periods.
  • Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Individuals with a history of heavy smoking or alcohol consumption.
  • Those with family members who have a history of cancer.
  • Individuals who sleep late, have inadequate rest, and experience regular stress.
  • Those with chronic allergies.

8. Genetic Risk Assessment

Gene testing helps identify the deep-level risk of “serious diseases”.

DNA reveals diseases.

Why Should You Get Gene Testing?

  • Evaluate the deepest level of risk beyond factors we can control, such as lifestyle and environment.
  • Understand the likelihood of developing various diseases to prepare for preventive measures.
  • Choose suitable medications, reducing side effects and allergic reactions.
  • Aid in family planning and screening for certain inherited diseases that may be passed down from parents to children.

9. Gut Bacteria Testing

“Imbalanced Gut Bacteria… It’s Not Just an Unhealthy Gut”

The bacteria in our bodies play a crucial role in digesting food and producing vitamins, helping to maintain balance within the body. There are both beneficial and harmful bacteria, and promoting a healthy balance aids in emotional well-being, sleep, digestion, and even weight management. Achieve internal and external health by testing for gut bacteria.

10. Food Intolerance Test for 222 Types

Poor digestion may lead to chronic inflammation in the body, resulting in symptoms such as easy fatigue, brain fog, and irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms may not be severe but are chronic in nature and often occur approximately 2 days after consuming the offending food. Knowing what to avoid and what to consume will allow you to live confidently without being bothered by allergic symptoms in the future.

11. Vitamin, Mineral, and Antioxidant Testing Program

  • Taking multiple vitamins: Why haven’t I seen results yet?

  • Plan targeted health care by testing vitamin levels.

    Individualized testing for vitamins and minerals to check for deficiencies or excesses. Supplementing with the right vitamins the body needs specifically to ensure balanced functioning, prevent diseases, and address the causes of cellular degradation.

Duration of Service:

  • The health check-up takes approximately 15-20 minutes.
  • Follow-up appointments for test results are scheduled within 3-14 days (depending on the blood test).

Why choose Mousai Wellness Center?

Mousai Wellness Center’s Anti-Aging Health Check Program is developed by a team of medical professionals and experts in the field of medicine. It aims to provide you with a detailed understanding of your health and help you effectively manage it.

The program includes the following packages:

What Are You Waiting For...

Make an appointment

Sirona Holistic Wellness Clinic is a professional clinic that specializes in anti-aging and regenerative medicine.

By Dr. Pinyapat Chaipurihiran / โดย พญ. ภิญญาพัชญ์ ชัยภูริหิรัญญ์

Our location

Sirona Holistic Co., Ltd.
JW Wellness Center 19/19 Moo 1, Namdaeng-Bangplee Rd., Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 Thailand

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri : 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sat - Sun : 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM


Tel : +66 2 055 6662
Email :


    The clinic’s approach to anti-aging and regenerative medicine involves a combination of conventional medicine, cutting-edge technology, and holistic therapies.


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